Consultation on School Admission Arrangements 2023/24
All school admission authorities, including Westcountry Schools Trust, are required to consult on their admission arrangements in accordance with provisions within the School Admissions Code where there is a change to the arrangements or at least once every seven years if there are no changes. It is important to ensure that school admission arrangements meet the needs of all parents and children and consultation is an important part of the process in formulating and setting school admission arrangements.
Further information and details of any proposed changes are available on the Plymouth City Council website at from Monday 6 December 2021. As part of the consultation process Plymouth City Council we would like to canvass the views of as many groups of people as possible.
The closing date for the consultation is Sunday 16 January 2022 and any comments should be submitted online using the online form available at
What is it? |
Consultation on school admission arrangements 2023/2024 |
When does it start? |
Monday 6 December 2021 |
When does it finish? |
Sunday 16 January 2022 |
How do I comment? |