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Hele's School

Hele's School

Hele's School A great place to learn. A great place to grow.

Important update to parents re. boiler

Good afternoon,

I’m pleased to report that emergency works are currently being undertaken with the gas meter replacement and subsequent works are on track to be completed ahead of schedule, I’m assured by tomorrow afternoon.

What does that mean for Hele’s students?

  • Heating in all affected areas will be back on later this afternoon (Thursday). Heating will be kept on until 9.30pm this evening to ensure the building is suitably warmed in readiness for a comfortable working environment for those year groups attending tomorrow – coats should therefore not be worn in lessons from Friday please, as per usual classroom expectations.


  • We will remain without hot water in the Kitchen, Science, Drama, Food Tech and Maths until Friday afternoon, and hence there continues to be no facility for on-site food provision (beyond packed lunches for those in receipt of free school meals) – please do send your child to school Friday with a packed lunch, as requested last night. Those who receive free school meals can collect their packed lunch from the Main Hall at Break 1. We do have a limited stock of sandwiches, fruit, snacks and drinks for those who forget their packed lunch.


  • All year groups except for Year 8 will be on-site tomorrow (Friday). Although work is underway, Year 8 will continue to work remotely tomorrow and return to school on Monday, as communicated to families and staff last night. The Estates Team will monitor work as it is completed later tomorrow and complete checks thereafter to ensure everything that is working as it should be before opening the doors to everyone on Monday. A reminder that teachers have set work for Year 8 to complete on Assignments in MS Teams.


  • We are very excited to be able to welcome all year groups back to school on Monday morning – especially Year 8, who we have missed this week! Normal food service will resume from Monday, when the Kitchen will be in full operation once again.

A reminder to please ensure your child completes a lateral flow test at home on Sunday night, and continues with the twice weekly testing already in place. Our on-site asymptomatic testing this week has identified a number of asymptomatic positive cases, and these students will continue to work remotely from home for the duration of their isolation. Please alert school as well as NHS Test and Trace if your child tests positive on Sunday evening, and do not send them into school next week. Remember, we are at the end of a phone should you need any help or advice.

Thank you for your support and patience, it is much appreciated.

Best wishes,

Justine Mason


Hele’s School, Seymour Road,

Plympton, Plymouth


01752 337193