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Hele's School

Hele's School

Hele's School A great place to learn. A great place to grow.

Inclusive Education/SEND

Click here for the Hele's School SEND Information Report 2024

Hele's School SEND Offer 2023-24

Hele's School Accessibility Policy and Plan - Nov 2022

What is SEND and what is the Local Offer? Click this link to see the Plymouth Local Offer

Personal Profiles of Learning Support Assistants 2024

Hele's School Admission Arrangements for 2023/2024

At Hele’s School, all teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our students, whatever their needs or ability. For more information, please contact SENDCo Mrs Byrne.

Information about the Weekly SEND Surgery, click here

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Children who may have:

  • Dyslexia
  • Physical needs
  • Autism/Asperger's
  • ADHD
  • Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties
  • Hearing impairment
  • Literacy difficulties
  • Broken education
  • Numeracy difficulties
  • Visual impairment
  • Syndromes
  • English as an additional language
  • Medical needs
  • Dyspraxia


  • Support in class
  • Specialist testing
  • Offering support and guidance
  • Enhanced transition
  • Links with psychology service
  • Links with outside agencies
  • Communicating needs to others
  • Enhanced links with home
  • A place that feels safe and secure
  • Links with the school nurse and CAMHS
  • Offering a place for meetings and therapies to take place
  • Forming a bond between teachers, home and pupils, carers and other professionals
  • Offering testing and screening, help and advice

Currently on offer:

  • Breakfast Club
  • Training sessions
  • SEN drop-in
  • Homework support (drop-in)
  • Social skills
  • Lunch Bunch (guided social lunch group in addition to homework club)
  • Somewhere to come and make new friends
  • Anger Management group
  • Anxiety Management group
  • Self Esteem group

"The taxi driver and escort are lovely and he shares with 2 others. He has really taken to college and settled in really quickly much to our surprise. We had a wobble over his work options as he chose painting and decorating but he struggled with that due to his sight and has changed to catering which he is happier about.
His weekly cooking is usually delicious and he is enjoying the different challenges of college life and his course. Finally we have Rovic involvement due to his sight registration being corrected to severely sight impaired.
He still misses Heles, his LSA and you all, but his maturity is evolving."

Quote from the parent of a former Hele's student.